
Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

blackvAnessSa in starScreAm

every year i come the cemetery,
our journalz of love, i do carry.
three yearz have pazzed zincemy lover'z death,
With her oWn,zhe took my breath.
zhadoWz around me move on their oWn,
i zee a face made of zacred ztone .
to live thiz life, i do not knoW hoW.
ztaring at me iz the jilted moon,
Who never had her over Which to zWoon.
zi'kz centuriez zhared haz turned into zi'kz feet,
the Wholenezz once felt haz become incomplete
i hang my head to Weep at our zeparation,
to fully e'kzperience What iz noW dezperation.
az i hang my head,i do not knoW Why,
but i feel eyez ztaring at me az i cry.
When Will the zeazon of Winter pazz from mW heart?
and i knoW, it iz When We are no longer apart

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